Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Will Give You Rest

The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:1
I need this Word today - and for my busy month to come. November is filled with work, fundraising, friends, family... And because next year I will not be living in Michigan, I do not want to miss out on single moment with a single person.
But the problem comes in that I have a limited amount of time and energy. I feel tired just looking at the month's schedule. This is where God's word to the Israelites become the focus of my thoughts. (By the way, I love how God's word to the Israelites so many years ago is timely and revelant to me today.)
When reading this passage, I often focus the words of promise "I will give you rest" but today I am focusing on the words "My Presence will go with you" and what that really means. God has to be an acknowledged (and sought after) part of my life. I have to be involved in an active relationship. I have to be spending time reading His great Word and talking with Him on a daily basis.
I have to admit, I tend to let myself be too busy and make the decision to skip my devotions for the day. Why do I skip the one thing that I need the most? That disobedience not only puts distance between my Heavenly Father and myself... but it leaves me feeling empty.
So tomorrow morning, when I want to hit snooze one more time... I will be getting up and immersing myself in reading and talking. I will make the choice to follow in obedience. I will allow God's presence to go with me fully and feel the true measure of His rest.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


This past week I had the opportunity to attend PFO (Pre-field Orientation - for all missionary associates and missionary candidates). It was an amazing week of information, meeting other missionary associates and hearing from the wealth of missions experience our speakers were able to share. I was able to attend this with Lola Geary - another missionary associate from my church who will be serving in Moldova (near Romania). We were both exhausted by the end of the week, but encouraged to finish our current work (fundraising) to get to the field as soon as possible.
Please continue to pray as I continue to raise my funds. My pledged support is at 9% and my cash budget is at 10%. Thank you for your support!