Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Grace and Speeding Tickets

I’ve been thinking a lot about grace lately. And sin. And our attitude about sin.
My thoughts on grace were multiplied this past week when I got pulled over for speeding.
There were so many things going on that led to the ticket. I had been using cruise control the whole way to Kansas City but turned it off once I reached the city. The route I took was right by downtown, which becomes almost residential in areas and is very congested and confusing. As I was driving through, being careful of the other traffic and watching for my exit, I missed the speed limit signs. But because I was being passed on the left and right, I figured I was ok. But I wasn’t. When that siren went off, I have to admit I thought some other sucker was getting pulled over. Imagine my surprise when I look in the mirror to see I am that sucker.
I had no idea what my speed was or the speed limit. So when the officer said I was going 12 miles per hour over the speed limit, I had to trust that was the truth. When I said I was going with traffic and being passed, he said “yep, you can’t trust what everyone else is doing.” I handed him my license and the registration. I was in a friend’s car so I could not find the insurance.
The officer was very kind. We talked about my destination (the airport) and he advised a different route on the way home to avoid the downtown speed limit changes and traffic. We talked about my upcoming move to Michigan and the fact that Missouri drivers are on the top 10 worst list for the country. He then asked me if I wanted a cheap ticket or an expensive ticket. I said if it is my choice, I would prefer the cheap ticket. (He said he once had a gentleman say expensive… and that is what he gave him).
When the officer returned, he handed me a ticket for a seat belt violation. He said it would be a lot cheaper than a ticket for speeding and would not give me any points on my license. Then he said he did not write me up for the insurance.
Ah grace… what a beautiful thing.
Since then I have retold this story, thinking everyone is going to agree that I was given grace and rejoice with me. Only most of the time that is not the reaction I was given. Most people have said “but if people were passing you, he should have pulled them over instead.”
I get what they are saying. There were others (many, many others) who were going a lot faster and did not get a ticket. And that doesn’t seem fair, does it? But the thing is… I was guilty. I wasn’t going as fast and I was not doing it intentionally… but I was still breaking the law. I was guilty (and deserved a much larger ticket than I was given). And in that light, I was more than grateful for the grace I was given.
As I thought about this reaction to my ticket, I couldn’t help but think about how this mirrors common attitudes toward sin. How often do I look at someone and rank their sin in order to make me feel better about my own sin? “Yes I was sharing in a little gossip, but at least I didn’t (fill-in-the-blank with anything I have seen others doing that I didn’t do… or didn’t get caught doing...)” How often do the “greater” sins of others leave me thinking I have nothing to repent because I’m not that bad?
But the thing is, I do sin – often. And when I ignore my sins, I overlook the need to repent for those sins. And while I am so busy justifying my sin, essentially I am crucifying Christ over and over again.
So as you think about grace today, don’t neglect to honestly think about (and repent of) that sin in your life. Because we will never fully understand and appreciate the amazing grace we have been given, until we can honestly acknowledge the depth of the sin in our own lives.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

One Little Word

A friend of mine challenged the readers of her blog to pick "one little word" to be the theme for the year. Instead of New Years Resolutions - you pick a word and make that word the theme/goal of your year.
I was intrigued by this idea as I felt last year was a "one word year" for me - something God laid before me before 2010 began. The word for my life last year was "obedience". It wasn't always an easy lesson, and I still struggle with wanting to do it all my way, but in this past year I have discovered that there comes great joy in obedience and it can become a natural part of you. The Lord laid a special verse on my heart to help me through the past year... "For God is working in you to give you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." Philippians 2:13
This year I know God is working on discipline. Discipline in reading His word. Discipline in prayer. Discipline in memorizing His word. Discipline in my eating and exercise habits. But I don't want my "one little word" to be discipline as I want my word to be motivating, encouraging, uplifting. I think the word I am going to use is "Today" as in "Today I am going to read my bible study lesson." Or "Today I am going to eat extra veggies."
Speaking of today, today I started one of my first challenges. I have signed up for the Beth Moore "2011 Siesta Scripture Memorization team" - where we are challenged to pick 2 verses to memorize each month of the year (one on the 1st and one on the 15th). My first verse is Psalm 30:8 (one I have to google every time I want to type it because I always think it's in Isaiah. Time to commit this one to memory!) "Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches,but give me only my daily bread." Today I am going to read, meditate and hide this verse in my heart.
It all begins TODAY!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Body of Christ

This week I am mailing out support requests. As a missionary associate I have to have my full support pledged before I can begin my work. Please join me in prayer over each of these letters as they go forth.
This is not the easiest part of my mission work. In this economy, the last thing people want is to be asked to make another monthly committment.
But this calling is for a higher purpose than my ease and comfort, which is why I am being obedient and asking. We are all called to play a part in the Great Commission. As the Body of Christ, we all have a role to play. My role is to be the feet who carries the Good News. Others are called to be encouragement. Some are called to be teachers - raising up future missionaries. Some are called to give above and beyond... but all are called to give joyfully.
I pray for each of you that is called to give. I pray that you will find a great joy and blessing in sharing your gifts with those of us called to go. I pray God blesses you in a special way so you can continue to give and help spread the Good News to the end of the earth. Bless you!
If you would like to join my monthly support team, please see the link to the right hand side of this blog, or contact me for a form. Your support is greatly needed. Thank you!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What am I devoted to?

My pastor talked today about devotion. He challenged us to think about a few things.
1) When I look at my calendar, where do I use most of my time?
2) When I look at my check book, on what do I spend most of my money?
Hard questions to ponder.
My calendar is my biggest concern. I work hard to protect my "me" time... but I don't always protect my "God and me" time. God has been calling me to a season of prayer but I find myself living that out in short bursts rather than a steady journey.
If you are reading this, can you pray for me? Can you pray that until I feel that desire to be fulfilling that season of prayer, that I will be devoted to doing it anyway. I know the heart will follow the obedience... now I need to begin following in that obedience.
"See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse— the blessing if you obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the LORD your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known." Deuteronomy 11:26-28

Sunday, November 14, 2010

God Bless America

This is a little different from previous posts - but it's on my heart and I wanted to share. Thank you! It is no secret that while our nation was built on the foundation of God and His Holy Word - we are now a nation who is moving away from the God who has blessed us.
Israel - the blessed nation of the Lord - often found themselves there. They often turned their back on the God who brought them out of slavery, helped them cross the Red Sea to safety, gave them water from a rock and brought them into the Promised Land - flowing with milk and honey. But they were so led astray by the false gods of other peoples.
Countless times God allowed destruction and sorrow to visit the lands of Israel when they turned their back on Him. Countless times God would call out to them and ask them to humble themselves before Him and He would rescue them from their own mis-guidance.
2 Chronicles 30:12 says "Also in Judah the hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind to carry out what the king and his officials had ordered, following the word of the LORD."
We as God's people need to humble ourselves, unite together in faith and pray. We can not bring this nation around - but we serve a might God who can! God bless America!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thank You For Giving To The Lord

Did my title make you start humming the song? It might be a "dated" song... but the words are always relevant. Lately, I've been sharing my testimony and each time I do, I realize just how many people have made an impact on my life.
This coming Sunday I have been asked to share about my mission work with the church I grew up in. McBain Baptist church means so much to me and I'm so excited to not only share about my mission work but also take a moment to share a little about how God used that church to raise up this missionary. God used people like Laurie who invited me to my first Awana class; Diane who saw a little girl who needed more of Jesus; and bus drivers who picked me up faithfully every Sunday and every Wednesday.
Of course the list of those who impacted my life does not end there... there are the friends I met at Calvin who helped me discover who I am, the outreach team at Calvary CRC who taught me how to be a true servant and my "family" at Northpoint who continue to help me deepen my relationship with Jesus.
So many people, through so many different avenues... all a part of making me a person God would someday call into the mission field.
Thank you to each of you who faithfully taught, gave, listened, guided and loved me. Many of you did not see where all of this would lead, many of you were only in my life for a season - but you allowed God to use you to make me who I am today.
For that I truly am blessed!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Will Give You Rest

The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:1
I need this Word today - and for my busy month to come. November is filled with work, fundraising, friends, family... And because next year I will not be living in Michigan, I do not want to miss out on single moment with a single person.
But the problem comes in that I have a limited amount of time and energy. I feel tired just looking at the month's schedule. This is where God's word to the Israelites become the focus of my thoughts. (By the way, I love how God's word to the Israelites so many years ago is timely and revelant to me today.)
When reading this passage, I often focus the words of promise "I will give you rest" but today I am focusing on the words "My Presence will go with you" and what that really means. God has to be an acknowledged (and sought after) part of my life. I have to be involved in an active relationship. I have to be spending time reading His great Word and talking with Him on a daily basis.
I have to admit, I tend to let myself be too busy and make the decision to skip my devotions for the day. Why do I skip the one thing that I need the most? That disobedience not only puts distance between my Heavenly Father and myself... but it leaves me feeling empty.
So tomorrow morning, when I want to hit snooze one more time... I will be getting up and immersing myself in reading and talking. I will make the choice to follow in obedience. I will allow God's presence to go with me fully and feel the true measure of His rest.